
The skin is the largest organ of the body. As an integral part of the integumentary system, the skin is a protective organ shielding the inside organs of the body, and the muscles and bones from injury and infection.
Dermatology is a science dealing with skin, nails, hair and its concerns. It is a specialty that covers both medical and surgical treatments. A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in treating diseases and cosmetic problems related to the skin, nails and hair.
It is known that, the outer appearance of a person is a reflection of the inner state of mind. Your salon treatments to deal with the acne or dry skin are just superficial skincare. For example, the rash you believe is due to a dirty makeup brush could be a sign of an autoimmune disorder.
Visiting a certified dermatologist to address these concerns will be helpful to detect the core reasons and control repetition of the problem. And when the issue is something as important as your skin, you do not want to play a guessing game with treatments.
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Signs of Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails


    • A sign that you have a good healthy skin is that your skin looks clean without pimples or acne and blackheads on your face

  • Color of your skin is evenly distributed and is pretty much the same all over; it means your skin is healthy and free of common skin disease

  • Your skin must have good elasticity

  • Your skin has a smooth texture and neither too oily or too dry


    • The texture of your hair is smooth and you have minimal shedding

  • Your hair has moisture and elasticity

  • Your scalp is free of dandruff

  • You experience minimal breakage


    • There are no changes in the shape of the nail like clubbing.

  • Your nails have no signs of discoloration, like dark or white streaks, or other changes in color

  • Your nails maintain an even thickness; there is no thinning or excess thickening of nails

  • Your nails are not brittle or pitted and you don’t have redness, swelling or pain around nails

Dermato Surgery

As a corrective procedures branch of Dermatology, Dermato Surgery is a surgery performed to regenerate the damaged soft tissue of the skin. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Appropriate laser treatments or surgeries are performed to rid the skin of any soft tissue damage.
At Skin Town Clinic, we conduct yearly health checkup for your skin, hair and nails. Seeing a dermatologist is vital for the early detection of skin irregularities and for the maintenance of the overall health of your skin. We make sure that everything on your skin is healthy and nothing looks abnormal.
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    • Punch Elevation

  • Punch Excision

  • Scar Revision
    • Corn, Wart, Mole removal

  • Ear Lobe repair

  • Lipoma Excision

  • Sebaceous Cyst Excision

  • Steatocystoma Removal

Vitiligo surgeries

    • NCMT (Non Cultured Melanocyte Transfer)

  • Suction Blister Grafting

  • Split Skin Grafting etc


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