
What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical technique in which vitamins, growth factors and plant extracts are injected through a series of injections, to help rejuvenate and revitalize the skin of face and neck.
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The Procedure

    • Numbing medicine is applied to your skin.

  • A series of injections using a special micro needle is injected into the middle layer of the skin. The needle may be attached to a mechanical gun to deliver many injections in a row.

  • The injections can be given at different depths — from 1 to 4 millimeters into your skin — depending on what condition you’re having treated.

  • Each injection places a sufficient amount of the blend of nutritious vitamins solution into your skin.

Benefits of Mesotherapy

    • The skin receives a boost of vitamins, serums and other blends loaded with nutrition, leaving it feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • Although swelling and bruising might appear and persist around the treated area for a few days, the treatment leaves no permanent scars.

  • Requires no sedation

  • The treatment makes for a good anti-aging skin routine, offering a boost of radiance and energy.

  • Helps brighten the face and even out skin tone

  • Treats skin problems such as melasma, pigmentations and dark spots in addition to its uses as a cosmetic procedure.

Important points to consider

    • Usually, the treatment does not require any down time.

  • The procedure helps correct underlying issues such as, poor blood circulation and skin inflammation.

  • The number of injections and sessions vary depending upon the skin treatment required and the effects of the treatment of an individual.


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